Executive board

Janet Hering is due to return at the end of 2022 as director of the Federal Office for Approval in Water, Testing and Protection of Water (Eawag) and Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich (EPFZ) and at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). ).
Avant de s'installer en Suisse en 2007, the professor Hering était membre du corps professoral des universités Caltech et UCLA. Elle a été rédactrice en chef adjointe de Environmental Science & Technology and member of the Science Editorial Committee. This is the member of the National Academy of Engineering des États-Unis and the Academia Europaea.
During the course of his career, the Professor Hering worked, among other things, on the cycle of biogeochimique des oligo-éléments dans les eaux naturelles, on the technologies de traitement pour éliminer les contaminants inorganiques de l'eau potable et sur l'échange de connaissances à l'interface de la science, politics and practice.
Elle s'est également profondément engagée dans la promotion de la diversité dans le milieu universitaire, notamment en soutenant les femmes occupant des postes de direction universitaire. Elle a reçu le prize Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering de l'IUPAC en 2015. Hering was also vice-president fondatrice du Forum des femmes professeurs de l'ETH Zurich, was also vice-president from 2012 to 2016 and president from 2016 to 2020.
Science and society face profound challenges. Women’s creativity, innovation and engagement are urgently needed to address these challenges. An enabling environment is essential for individual effort and talent to generate accomplishment. strukturelle focuses on systemic and institutional change to provide women with the enabling environment that they are so often denied. l'environnement stimulant qui leur est si souvent refusé.